Sankey Diagram: Data Modelling, DAX, and Visualisation
Sankey Diagram: the four measure components
Sankey Diagram: Completing the dimension and fact input tables
Sankey Diagram: requirements gathering
Sankey Diagram: why it's an effective way to visualise the P&L
How to model posting date when producing income statement semantic models
Using prime numbers for performance optimisation (technical article)
Know your facts Part 4: Power BI, Financial Statements & Kimball
Know your facts Part 3: Power BI, Financial Statements & Kimball
Know your facts Part 2: Power BI, Financial Statements & Kimball
Know your facts Part 1: Power BI, Financial Statements & Kimball
Using your Organisational Hierarchy as the basis for report security
The 3 things you need to get started with Financial Statements in Power BI